Monday, March 16, 2009

Dreams, Love and Blessings

The weekend was sunny and bright and joyful and all the things I love about spring. It's a tad winterish again today, but I can deal with it because I know the sunny days will soon outnumber the gray days and then I'll be relishing the coolness of an overcast sky. That's right... long for something until you get it, then long for what you had. Ain't that the way?

Along with the springtime comes the inevitable need to clean and shine and do all that stuff commonly referred to as nesting.
I haven't quite gotten caught up in that frenzy yet, but I know it's coming. Yesterday I looked out the window into the back yard and I can now see all the socks, empty cottage cheese cartons, my missing slipper, and other weird stuff that the dog has toted outside and was covered by snow. (I keep her because she is entertaining.)

I even thought about pulling all the pans out of the bottom cupboards in the kitchen and giving the shelves a good swipe. Thank God I thought of something else before I started on that. It's still on the list though. Right below cleaning out the fridge.

Nesting... making your home all cozy and warm and a happy place to be. (That's my semi clever tie-in for the quote I'm about to upload.)


Trouble said...

when we first got Brigit if I couldn't find my hairbrush I knew I had to look outside for it..