Monday, April 20, 2009

The big picture

One of the most important parts of a wedding are the photos.
It's a big... no... HUGE deal. It's all about the dress and the cake and the decorations... and the pictures of all of those things, are proof that something very important has taken place.

(I don't know about you, but I view my wedding photos as proof that at one time I was YOUNG and SLIM!)

I love the idea of enhancing your wedding photos.
At home or at the reception, vinyl is an inexpensive and not too permanent way to add a little oomph to a single picture or tie together a grouping of family pictures.

As you can see, it's not just for the modern couple. Grandma and Grandpa could use a little sprucing up too.

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Trouble said...

Yes, indeed Grandma and Grandpa could use a little sprucing up. I wanted to say "especially where they are now" but that seems tacky so I'll just keep it to myself.