Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The view from my bedroom window

I enjoyed a very lovely and restful Memorial Day weekend. Saturday I spent with friends doing lunch and talking. Laughed so much my cheeks were sore from smiling.

Sunday I had intended to do a bit of work. I know... Sunday is the day of rest. And it turned out to be a day of rest for me after all because it rained and I had to cancel my plans to finish lettering a truck. Can't do that in the wind and rain.

So instead, I read my favorite blogs, watched a little television , read a trashy novel, and listened to the rain falling on the skylight.
If you don't have a skylight in your home, I highly recommend one, especially on a rainy day, cuz when the rain hits it, it's very much like having a tin roof. Not quite as loud, but the same effect.

Just for kicks, during a brief break in the storm, I slid open the bedroom window and shot some photos of the field at the side of my house.
I love the honeysuckle. It grows right beneath the window and couldn't be more lovely.

It's hard to believe that I live in the desert, it's so green and gorgeous this year.
Don't be too jealous... in another month this will all be brown and dry, still pretty though.

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