Monday, June 01, 2009

Like looking into the future...

I hope Amber doesn't mind sharing...
this room is so, so cute! What little girl, or big girl for that matter wouldn't love to have a room so lovingly and adorably decorated?I'm posting this not just to show you how lettering helps to bring together a room, but to show you that we can SHOW YOU what your lettering will look like before we produce it.
That's right, the lettering above the window is photoshopped in so that Amber would be able to decide on size and font. Cool, huh?

Now, I can't always take the time to show a preview, but when it's going to be this big on the wall, it's my pleasure to do so.
After seeing this preview, Amber changed up the wording just a bit and gave us the go ahead.
Hopefully by now it's actually on the wall in this darling room.

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