Thursday, August 06, 2009

Give oh Give oh Give Away.... at Writings on the Wall - the blog

Be sure to click over to Writings on my Blog and leave a comment to be entered in our giveaway.
It's a great chance to get some free vinyl letters for yourself or a friend or your mother or...

You know you want free stuff.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Check out my new digs...

I've been working like a crazy girl and finally have my new pages all set up over at my new WRITINGS ON THE WALL BLOG.
Please join me over there for some new layouts and fun stuff. I think it's a great new look and hope you do too.
See you there!

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Friday, July 03, 2009

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.....

I really haven't abandoned ship. Really.
I've been busy making banners and doing a bunch of design work.
It's going to be the Christmas season soon. I KNOW! it's crazy. We just did that. But, yep, it's gonna happen again and I want to have a whole new line of spiffy new things to put on the spiffy new website that is coming along... hopefully this month.

Not only am I revamping Writings on the Wall, but I've squeezed in building a new site for a customer as well.
I love the geek stuff, and when you couple it with Photoshop... all I need is a potty break once in a while. And copious amounts of caffeine...
and some of those little white cakes with the cream filling and the white frosting. (They are more commonly referred to as "crack cakes" around the shop. Addicting little devils, they are.)

I would appreciate it if someone would pretend to be my mom and call me around 11 o'clock and tell me to go to bed. I get all wrapped up in my nerdiness and can't seem to pry myself away from the keyboard.
I could pack for a vacation using the bags under my eyes. I mean it! Make me go to bed. Right now!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

How about a little Jane Austin?

“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.”

“Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.”

“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”

Often when I am working away at home, I watch - or rather - listen to the television. I love movies and that is my preference.
Tonight, I tuned in to one of my favorites "Pride and Prejudice". It was already half way through, but that doesn't matter because I've seen it at least a dozen times.
That Mr. Darcy.... mmmhmmm.

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Monday, June 08, 2009

I've go it all under ConTroll

What else can I say?
There's a troll on my car.

Katie wanted to know if we can make a decal of her dog with troll hair.
Uh.... no.

Because then you've opened up a whole can of trolls.
Fish with troll hair, cats, birds, cows, sheep....

Isn't it enough that except for the color, my hair looked pretty much like this when I woke up this morning?
(Note to self... do not sleep on wet hair.)
Yeah, it's a ponytail day fer shur.

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Today's Note From the Universe

"Often misunderstandings arise for one of three reasons: not enough love, not enough sleep, or not enough chocolate."

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Like looking into the future...

I hope Amber doesn't mind sharing...
this room is so, so cute! What little girl, or big girl for that matter wouldn't love to have a room so lovingly and adorably decorated?I'm posting this not just to show you how lettering helps to bring together a room, but to show you that we can SHOW YOU what your lettering will look like before we produce it.
That's right, the lettering above the window is photoshopped in so that Amber would be able to decide on size and font. Cool, huh?

Now, I can't always take the time to show a preview, but when it's going to be this big on the wall, it's my pleasure to do so.
After seeing this preview, Amber changed up the wording just a bit and gave us the go ahead.
Hopefully by now it's actually on the wall in this darling room.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The view from my bedroom window

I enjoyed a very lovely and restful Memorial Day weekend. Saturday I spent with friends doing lunch and talking. Laughed so much my cheeks were sore from smiling.

Sunday I had intended to do a bit of work. I know... Sunday is the day of rest. And it turned out to be a day of rest for me after all because it rained and I had to cancel my plans to finish lettering a truck. Can't do that in the wind and rain.

So instead, I read my favorite blogs, watched a little television , read a trashy novel, and listened to the rain falling on the skylight.
If you don't have a skylight in your home, I highly recommend one, especially on a rainy day, cuz when the rain hits it, it's very much like having a tin roof. Not quite as loud, but the same effect.

Just for kicks, during a brief break in the storm, I slid open the bedroom window and shot some photos of the field at the side of my house.
I love the honeysuckle. It grows right beneath the window and couldn't be more lovely.

It's hard to believe that I live in the desert, it's so green and gorgeous this year.
Don't be too jealous... in another month this will all be brown and dry, still pretty though.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Notes on a sticky

My name is Becky and I'm a sticky-note addict.
As part of my treatment, every month or so I must sort through the pile of stickies on my desk and around my monitor and store what is of value or toss what is no longer useful.

The biggest share of my sticky clutter consists of little cryptic notes written while on the phone, dates, call back numbers, brief notes of add-ons to someone's order, lists of things I MUST remember to do.... a random mish mash of things that are no longer pertinent to anything. Toss.

I have a notebook/folder for storing stickies that I want to keep. These usually have a family member's address or phone number, or they have websites that I want to remember to look up, or sources for all the bazillion products that I think about ordering, or useful information like the size to make a layout in photoshop... you know, just stuff I need to remember at some point.

I'm seeing here today, however, that many of my stickies have quotes written on them. Thoughts that I like that I want to remember to add to the website, but haven't taken the time yet.
So I'll share them with you right here, right now!

In no particular order or subject:

Life is filled with wonder and joy when seen through the eyes of a little boy.

If you know what you want and why, the "how" will show up. -Bill Bartman

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet. -Constanze

Impossible you say? Nothing is impossible when you work for the circus.

Nothing will change until you change.

Energy flows where attention goes.

When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween.

Waking beside you is more lovely than any dream.

A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

Time passes, Life happens, Distance separates, Children grow up, Hearts break, Parents die... but sisters are always there.

Kindness pays huge dividends!

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank You", that would suffice. -Meister Eckhart

You were too good for him anyway.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Time" for weddings and gifts

How many wedding invites are stuck to the front of your refrigerator?

I only have a couple, but it’s early yet.

I’m just here to make a few suggestions. If the invitation is from the cousin of your wife’s co-worker that you met once at the amusement park 10 years ago… well, a nice card is probably gonna do the trick.

But… if the invite is from your sister, brother, best friend, mother, father, or any other person who is important in your life…

You should consider something meaningful and beautiful and big and awesome…. like one of my clocks.
24" in diameter, your choice of color and face style, and of course personalized with the name and date. $95.00 includes shipping.

Guaranteed NOT to be something that will sit in a box in the garage until their 5th anniversary.

Click over to Writings on the Wall and call or email me with your order.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A sign for my Mom

Mother's Day was a sunny and happy occasion as it usually is for my family. We all converged at Mom and Dad's and while some planted flowers and spiffed up the yard, the rest of us watched and visited.

Lots of food, lots of laughing and teasing.
I come from a very large family, so even if we're not all there... which is usually the way it is... we still have a crowd O people.
My folks are now boasting upwards of 50 grand and great grandchildren, so my mom has totally earned this sign I made for her front yard.It's double-sided and the spiffy frame has springy clamps so we can change it out for the different seasons of the year.

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Friday, May 08, 2009

Happy busy Friday

What a busy day! The sun comes out and so do all the people. I like it when it's crazy busy.

I'm just wrapping up a few projects to ship out this afternoon and then I'm off to do a little shopping this evening for Mother's Day and a birthday party on Sunday.

I was hoping to have my Mom's Day gift finished up today, but looks like I may have to come in tomorrow to get it all done.

What do you get the Mom who has 11 kids and all the do-dads she could possibly ever need?
You get her a yard sign that proclaims that "The world's greatest Grandma lives here."
I'll post up a pic as soon as I have something ready to show.

This little gem was for Shannon's order this afternoon.

... and I love this one too.
This will be my friend and I, but we'll have cats too.

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Monday, May 04, 2009

Look to this day

Monday morning starts with both a feeling of loss, because the freedom of the weekend is over, and anticipation, because a whole new week with a whole new set of possibilities lies ahead.
Today I choose anticipation.

Look To This Day
For it is life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all
The realities and verities of existence,
The bliss of growth,
The splendor of action,
The glory of power . . .

For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today, well lived,
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.

Sanskrit Proverb
By Kalidasa

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Out of the frying pan...

Brain-fry. That's what I've got right now.
It's a matter of too much to do and no definitive plan as to how I'll accomplish everything in a timely manner. I'd say I suffer from ADHD, but that would just be an excuse for not being organized, or disciplined enough to finish what I'm working on before I start something else.
It's not that I'm scattered, it's just that I'm - Oh look! chocolate!

I've been working on web pages today, which usually turns my eyes into little squinty raisin-like objects after a few hours. It's not a pretty sight. But it WILL be a pretty site. If you know what I mean.

In my ever needful quest to be frugal and save my money to spend in a more fun and frivolous manner, I'm moving my website to a new host. yippee yahoo
Yeah. It's just that much fun.

In fact, after messing with coding and copying, pasting, cussing and squinting at multiple windows for a good portion of the afternoon, I'm happy to give you a fairly accurate simulation of my day.

Good times. Did you notice the little beady eyes? That's what mine are looking like about now.
But I am strong and stubborn and I will overcome all geek-type obstacles and get my butt out of this wok, dammit!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

The big picture

One of the most important parts of a wedding are the photos.
It's a big... no... HUGE deal. It's all about the dress and the cake and the decorations... and the pictures of all of those things, are proof that something very important has taken place.

(I don't know about you, but I view my wedding photos as proof that at one time I was YOUNG and SLIM!)

I love the idea of enhancing your wedding photos.
At home or at the reception, vinyl is an inexpensive and not too permanent way to add a little oomph to a single picture or tie together a grouping of family pictures.

As you can see, it's not just for the modern couple. Grandma and Grandpa could use a little sprucing up too.

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Thursday, April 09, 2009

What shall we get for the happy couple?

It's that time of year.
Spring is bustin' out all over and that inspires people to fall in love.
Then they want to get married.
Then they plan a great big celebration so that all of their friends and family can come and share their happiness.
Then they send out a whole bunch of invitations announcing when the big even will take place.
Then you find all of these invitations in your mailbox.

Then... you pick up the phone and call ME to design and make something unique and wonderful to give to the newlyweds to show them how happy you are for them.

May I suggest...

Personalized glass block:Resplendent with a big foofy ribbon and bearing the monogram and wedding date of the happy couple.

(By the way, Mother of the Bride, these are gorgeous centerpieces for the reception. Your choice of colors, as always.)

Since I've decked out my blog for Easter, Mother's Day and weddings, I'll be adding some more gift suggestions in the next few days to come.
See you soon!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Speech - I love this so much

This poem has been running through my head all day. It's been a favorite of mine for many years. It underscores what I truly believe... "as a man thinketh, so is he."

I know you'll love it too.


Talk happiness. The world is sad enough
Without your woe. No path is wholly rough.
Look for the places that are smooth and clear,
And speak of them to rest the weary ear
Of earth; so hurt by one continuous strain
Of mortal discontent and grief and pain.

Talk faith. The world is better off without
Your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt.
If you have faith in God, or man, or self,
Say so; if not, push back upon the shelf
Of silence all your thoughts 'till faith shall come.
No one will grieve because your lips are dumb.

Talk health. The dreary, never-ending tale
Of mortal maladies is worn and stale;
You cannot charm or interest or please
By harping on that minor chord disease.
Say you are well, or all is well with you,
And God shall hear tour words and make them true.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Yo ho me hearties... or... but why is the rum gone?

Yesterday's "I need some fun" project.

This is the "something" that I'm sending to Diana to reward her for commenting in my Pay it Forward post.
There's still "something" available for one more person if someone will actually build up the courage to leave a comment. No... it's not the skull and crossbones, it's something else. You'll see. Just leave a comment and promise to pay it forward.

Gotta work now! Happy Day y'all!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Banners and Business Cards in living color

"The craving for colour is a natural necessity just as for water and fire. Colour is a raw material indispensable to life. At every era of his existence and his history, the human being has associated colour with his joys, his actions and his pleasures." -- Frenand Leger

While working with vinyl is fun and filled with endless possibilities, the introduction of full color digital printing has opened up a whole new world of creativity.
Not to mention that working in full color is also a ton of fun.

Banners. Everybody needs em. We make em.
We make em bright and colorful and surprisingly affordable.
Like this one:
Trust me, our banners are absolutely gorgeous. The one pictured above is for an outdoor tent/booth, so it's 3 x 9 feet.

Now... to go along with the gorgeous banners that everyone needs, we offer business cards too.

Colorful business cards that match your banner or sign. They're not too spendy either.

Printed front and back with all of your pertinent information.

So when you're planning the advertising for your business... you know where to go. We specialize in banners for outdoor display booths as well as school, sports teams and business.
So give us a call, drop me an email, or "tweet" me and we'll create something dazzling for you.

To see a whole bunch of the stuff that's been created for our customers: CLICK HERE
*Confession: the designs you are looking at are created by MSGelter who also works here with me. He's very talented, but don't tell him I said so. He never reads this blog so he'll never know I said this.

Banners, Logos, Design and all that other stuff

Many of my online customers assume that I am cutting these cute little vinyl letter sticker thingys from the discomfort of my diningroom table.

Au contrair! (that's slaughtered French for "Nope!")

I've been in the sign making industry for many years and have owned and operated my shop here in Tremonton for going on 10 years now.
It's a full time labor of love. No kitchen or dining room tables were injured or abused during the production of your sign. During certain times of the year, full time means every waking minute.

I'm very blessed to be able to make my living doing what I do. Most of the time I LOVE what I do for a living, and the times that I don't? Well I remember that I could be sweeping floors or flipping burgers. (Not that there's anything wrong with that; I've done both and much prefer what I'm doing now, thank you very much)

While designing and producing vinyl letters for folks to decorate their homes with is very satisfying and mostly a ton o fun, it's just a portion of what happens here at Hathaway Signs and Designs.

Logo design, business cards, banners, brochures, vehicle lettering and graphics, commercial signage... all the stuff you need to promote yourself and your business happens here every day as well.

In the next few days I'll be posting some samples of the awesome stuff we've been doing and you'll see why everybody walks in to my shop and wishes they had MY job.

They don't realize it's such a lot of work being Queen of the Universe.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Lord

Don't you sometimes wonder how people get themselves into the situations they get themselves into? Of course you do.
And don't you wonder how some people have managed to live as long as they have, doing the insane things they do? Uh huh.

And don't you often wonder how you're going to make it through the day without saying something that you really really REALLY shouldn't say to the people mentioned above?

This one's for you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dreams, Love and Blessings

The weekend was sunny and bright and joyful and all the things I love about spring. It's a tad winterish again today, but I can deal with it because I know the sunny days will soon outnumber the gray days and then I'll be relishing the coolness of an overcast sky. That's right... long for something until you get it, then long for what you had. Ain't that the way?

Along with the springtime comes the inevitable need to clean and shine and do all that stuff commonly referred to as nesting.
I haven't quite gotten caught up in that frenzy yet, but I know it's coming. Yesterday I looked out the window into the back yard and I can now see all the socks, empty cottage cheese cartons, my missing slipper, and other weird stuff that the dog has toted outside and was covered by snow. (I keep her because she is entertaining.)

I even thought about pulling all the pans out of the bottom cupboards in the kitchen and giving the shelves a good swipe. Thank God I thought of something else before I started on that. It's still on the list though. Right below cleaning out the fridge.

Nesting... making your home all cozy and warm and a happy place to be. (That's my semi clever tie-in for the quote I'm about to upload.)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just a brief funny...

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pay it forward

"Just pay it forward. Three big favors for three other people. That's it."

That's a line from the movie "Pay it Forward" which I loved but can't watch again because I know how it ends.

I saw this on someone else's blog and loved the idea, so I'm gonna try it here:

The next three people who comment here will receive - instead of a big favor - something special from me. In turn, each of them must send something nice to three other people... and so on, and so on.

Don't be shy! Leave me a comment and email me your address (find my email address on my profile) and I'll send you something from my vast supply of somethings.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

More fun with fonts

Wordle: f words
Another fun find for you today. is a word cloud generator that will produce a graphic for you like the ones above and below that I called f-words. Go there, type in a bunch of words and it will make 'em purty for ya. Just keep clicking the randomize button at the bottom, or change the font and arrangement until you have something that makes you happy.
Very fun little site!

Wordle: more f-words

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I'm good at finding places to waste too much time

I usually spend a portion of my day just reading and finding cool stuff online. Sometimes my net wanderings take me to other interesting blogs. Sometimes I find stuff that's on sale for an amazing price and - thank God - it's sold out so I don't end up making an impulse purchase.
I've been doing much research lately about blog design as well as website design and what makes an effective website. In my family we kid a lot about the fact that we all share the "Geek Gene" since most of us make our living one way or another by way of a computer. Can't help it. I love learning new geeky stuff.

Today in my web travels I came across a cool little site that lets you build a magazine cover with a photo that you upload from your computer. While this is something that I could accomplish on my own computer with the use of Photoshop, I thought it would be fun to share the link with those of you do not have the inclination to spend hours learning how to use a paint program. The best part is, of course, it's absolutely free... and I'm ALL about free.Go HERE to upload your photo and plug in the info about your intended victim. I found it to be more aesthetically pleasing to break the sentences into two lines, and keep it short. You can press the create button at the bottom to see what your page looks like and then the edit button to go back and make changes. I managed to use up about 30 minutes of my day playing with this just so I could share with you.
Now you know how much I love you.
After you are done making changes, you can either upload to your flickr account-if you have one- or right click on the image and save it to your computer.
Then you can use it for blackmail purposes or to embarrass someone who's been a bit uppity lately. Enjoy!

I'll be making a list of links like this one and the make-your-own-font place over there >>>>> on the side of this blog so that I can share my geeky discoveries with y'all.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The view from my window

Lest I sound ungrateful with all my whining about winter and being cold...

It was a beautiful sunny but chilly day yesterday.
I stepped outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air and to grab a shot or two of the landscape from my back step.

What can I possibly have to complain about when I have this just outside my door?
This morning the sun is shining again just for me, I think. Well, there are a few other people who might also be enjoying some rays. Like the dude in the photo below.
Quincy Magoo refuses to go outside and risk getting his paws wet and cold. I had to sneak up on him while he was napping because he finds it tedious to pose for the camera.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Positive Affirmations

The best thing about doing what I do is that people actually pay me to do what I love.

The second best thing is the people that I talk to and share ideas with. For the most part it's all positive. People call me because they want to put something about love, or family, or their dreams, or memories, or something that inspires them on the walls in their home.

Nobody ever orders anything that is negative. Never. I've been doing this for a lot of years and that's how it is so far. (Now what they put on their vehicle for the entire world to see... well that's another story for another day.)

I'm a big believer in affirmations. I like to see the words that I need to remember and apply in my life every day. I mostly have them on sticky notes but I also have a few in vinyl on my walls at home. The one in my living room reminds me to be glad of life... sometimes I need to read that.

I love this one that I got in a "Tweet" today. Love it! I know a couple of women who need this one... and so do I.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I went for my hour with the personal trainer today. That man doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body. He was very nice, and I'm very excited and hopeful that one day my legs will be as purty as his.
There's more about this on my other blog, so go there if you want the whole story.

I just have to say that no one at any time told me I would have to give up Cheese Day. It's a wonderful life.

Now I have to go and watch the season finale of Top Chef. Can't help it, I'm addicted.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I like cheese on mine

Tuesday is cheese day. It's the one day of the week that I leave the shop for lunch. It's called cheese day because we ALWAYS go next door to El Paral and eat wonderful, fabulous ultra cheesy mexican food.

While I was lifting a fork moderately loaded with sauteed mushrooms, onions, cheese and mole sauce to my cheeseloving lips, my cell phone rang.
Nobody ever calls me... who could this be?
It's the folks from the fitness center where I signed my life away yesterday. Calling to see where I am, because I have a 1:30 appointment with the trainer.
Me: Ummm... no... that's tomorrow.
Them: But we have you down for today... to work with the trainer and the dietitian.
Me again: Ummm... well... on MY piece of paper it says tomorrow. I told you I couldn't make it today because I have plans.

All during this brief conversation I'm trying not to sound like my mouth is full of cheese and fried things... the very reason I need to go to a gym. The very reason I didn't want to meet with the trainer today.
Oh the irony.

Confident and bossy as I may be in my own environment, I have to admit that I'm very nervous about working with a trainer, even if it is just for an hour so that he can set me up on a program that I can work by myself.
I'm so totally out of my comfort zone.

But... back at the first of the year, I made a commitment to myself to get healthy and to put myself out there into the wide world and do stuff that's new and maybe even stretch myself a bit. Get out of my comfort zone for a change. Get off my couch and out of my house for a change.
Since I made that decision, the Universe has been throwing all kinds of interesting things and new opportunities at me. I'll just try to keep up and see where it takes me.
I hope it still takes me out to lunch on Tuesdays...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another day, another $1.98

I'm sitting here trying to think of something profound and inspiring to share with everyone. I'm drawing a total blank.
So I'll just share a little of what's new in my life.
Still have a cold, but that's not new, so forget I said anything about that.

The new website is still progressing nicely and I'm very pleased with the way everything looks. There'll be tons more stuff on there: lots of graphics and layouts and some full color designs too. It's all very exciting but you don't get to see it for a while yet.

I went to the grocery store tonight and bought a new bag of dog food. Yep, that's pretty exciting, at least the mutts think so.

I stopped in at the local gym this afternoon to drop off a business card and...
I got caught up in all the healthy happy glow and...
the guy working over there with the weights looked really good and...
I'm so weak that I signed up for a membership.
I have a free! hour with the personal trainer on Wednesday. If I live through that and the 3 or 4 days of stiffness that will be the result, I will most likely enjoy working out. I know I will enjoy the scenery (if you know what I mean... and I'm sure you do.)

They have lots of empty wall space in the weight room that is just SCREAMING for some motivational words.
Words like...
"That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger."
Yeah, we'll see about that.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cold medicine makes me ramble

Sunshine, blessed sunshine all day long.
At the risk of being repetitive, I have to say one more time - I can't wait for spring to get here!

I drug my cold laden sinuses out of bed this morning - this one sneaked up on me out of nowhere. I felt fine yesterday and this morning I awoke feeling like my head was filled with sand. Maybe it had something to do with the exceptionally stupid dreams I was having. I don't clearly remember what I was dreaming about, but the colors were really vivid - which put to rest any doubt I might have had about whether or not I dream in color - and I remember waking up with the thought "that was probably the stupidest dream I've ever had." Then I realized that my mouth felt like it was filled with sand along with the rest of my head and even though my head really wanted to lay in bed for a while longer, the rest of my body had had enough of that.

So, as I was saying, I drug myself out of bed and got dressed to go outside. I usually putter around the house in my pajamas for at least half of the day on Saturday, so it's unusual for me to be dressed first thing.
I went into the back yard to figure out where Skooter was making her big escape over the fence. Can't let the dogs outside to do there outside stuff, if they have an escape path. It was a pretty obvious place. The snow has drifted so deep against the four foot fence that she can practically step over it. This is a bad thing, because Skooter likes to chase the neighbors sheep. We have an agreement: Skooter stays in the back yard; and they won't come over here and yell about it. Everyone's happy.
The Skootermeister is a large dog. Yellow lab/pyranese mix, and she's really smart. No, really, she is. (Shut up, you guys) The bad thing about having a smart dog is they get bored. So any weakness in the defenses is quickly detected.
She's also a little on the fat side, so I didn't think she could launch herself over the fence, but she did.
Evidently she ran all over the neighborhood, frolicking in the snow and finding stinky icky things to bring home. Of course she did this while I was at work, so I only have the phoned in report from my roomy who had to chase her down and bring her back in the house.
Evidently she had sooooo much fun that she was tuckered out and laid herself out on the road to work on her tan. Thankfully the people on my street were kind enough to go around her (or they figured a dog that size would leave a dent)

So back to dragging myself out to the back yard...
I dug the snow away from the fence... spoiling all the doggy fun... absorbed a bit of glorious sunlight and then spent the rest of the day being a spud on the couch blowing my nose and taking cold medicine. (I like the alka-seltzer citrus flavor. Wish they'd make something like that just as a soft drink. Remembering the "fizzies" tablets that were around when I was a kid.)

I watched Gone With the Wind, which is the perfect way to spend 4 hours bundled in a blanket on the big fluffy couch with some lemon tea, a little chocolate, a small dog and a large cat.
If you're gonna have a sick day, that's the way to do it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow Day

Weird day.
It started to snow in the wee hours of the morning so there was a good four inches of new snow on top of the old snow that won't seem to go away.
I got out of bed and proceeded to get ready for work only to realize that the pilot had blown out on the furnace. Argggh!
It is a fete of agility and extreme patience to relight this glorious invention of modern heating. (Yeah... that's not quite what I was calling it after the first fifteen minutes)Being my father's daughter, I have the appropriate tools for every job. In this case, I used a butter knife to prop the little latch door open, a bottle of weedkiller propped (upside down) on the pilot light button to hold it down, and the super duper extra long butane lighter with the safety button wedged down with a toothpick and a strip of duck tape holding the trigger down.
McGyver would be so proud.

So after much cussing and manipulation and about half an hour, I got the furnace going again.
Just in time to hear the snow plow go past on the road. Yep, it's our fine county employees making sure that my neighbors and myself can drive down the rural avenues in safety. Except now I can't get out of my driveway because the snow plow leaves a 3 foot pile of very wet, very heavy snow across the bottom of my driveway.
Cool! I'm snowed in! Woo hoo!!! Snow day! I'll work from home and do some designing and a lot of the stuff that I would be doing at work if I could get there.

About 15 minutes into my happy work from home day... the power went out. And stayed out. Rats!!!
Now there's no computer to work on. No TV to entertain me while I work. No music... basically no fun. I even washed the dishes out of desperation, hoping to kill a little time and make the power come back on. Nope.

New plan... I decided to go to work because that would be better than sitting at home doing nothing.
So I conned my roomy into a bit of shoveling and off we went to work.

After a fun and tasty lunch with the girls, I returned to the shop just in time for a power blip which killed our internet connection and the telephones for the rest of the afternoon.

If you tried to call today... that's why you got a busy signal.

After the third blip, I realized that not a whole lot of anything was being accomplished, therefore, I said a little prayer that the power would be back on at home and took myself there. There are things that are more frustrating than having the computer shut down just before you saved a file, but I can't think of one right now... well, there is that pilot light thing...

But now...
Blessed electricity flows to all of my appliances. My furnace is blasting away keeping me warm. There's a Woot off going on. All is well, I haven't done anything all day and I'm wore to a frazzle.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Font - O - Mania

I've been having just about a ton-o-fun this afternoon.
As you know, I'm a fontaholic. I love fonts. I spend hours looking for fonts. I can't say I never met a font I didn't like - cuz there's some ugly fonts out there - but I have certainly found thousands that I DO like.
I've puttered a bit with creating my own fonts. It's very labor intensive and takes a long time to create something that is actually usable. Hours of tweeking and testing and nudging (and that's just getting situated in the chair and ready to work.)

Today I came across a spiffy little website that entertained me for an hour or so. Click HERE and you can go and make your own font from your own handwriting.
It takes a scanner and about 20 minutes - depending on how anal you are about the letter shapes - and then you too can feel like a typographical genius.

I was not too concerned about correct sizing because I wanted it to have a nice natural feel. Besides, if I want it to be perfect I'll break out the font making program... and spend all those hours and days and...

And now I give you... Becky Font.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lazy Weekend

It's been a totally uneventful weekend. I like that.
Spent the day yesterday doing some research online, working on some photoshop projects, watching too much tv, watching it snow AGAIN... the usual.

I typically start my Sunday bundled up on the couch with the kitty and Sweety and some really good java and a movie.

This morning it was "Sex and the City". I'm not sure whether to be embarrassed or not about watching and liking the movie. I never watched more than an episode or two of the series, but I know who the characters are.
The clothes were beautiful! The women... scrawny. Yes, I'm jealous because I was born larger than these women are, but as they get older, well, they start to look kind of leathery and hard because there's no layer of fat to pad the wrinkles.
Is it possible to sound bitter and smug at the same time? My wrinkles are very well padded. I should look like a 13 year old.

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty. Coco Chanel

Diana - in case you care, I have another blog. Click on my little cartoon face and you'll find the link.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chocolate flavored... everything

You can't think about Valentine's Day without thinking about chocolate.
I don't think about chocolate ALL the time - you know I'm lying, but just play along -Valentine's day just gives me a little extra validation for the times that I do.

Obviously chocolate luv spans all generations. To the right you see a photo of one of the youngest of our clan, my brother's boy, doin' what all kids gotta do... lickin' the bowl.
I'm surprised his dad got him to stand still long enough for a semi-non-blurry picture.
Mmmmmm... chocolate.....

What do you do when chocolat becomes too much of an obsession?
Well... I'm here to help with our tried and true 12 Step Program. Follow it carefully and you'll be just fine.

In case you need to be reminded at all times, we provide a version of this program designed to fit on a 12 x 12 tile... something to post proudly in your home as a reminder of your commitment.
To further enhance your treatment... I suggest that you watch the movie 'Chocolat'. Yes, that one. The one with Johnny Depp.
Every part of that movie is a feast for your eyes.

Hmmm... now I'm gonna have to go home and put on my red shoes and sip some cocoa and indulge my senses a little bit.
Wonder where I can find some of those cherry flavored M&Ms?

Monday, February 09, 2009

Sweet little love words

I'm making a note to myself - one of the zillion sticky notes that are attached to my monitor - to make sure Dad has something lined up for Mom for Valentine's Day. Most years he's on top of it, but he is a GUY, so I worry that he might wait till the last minute and end up in the dog house... again.
well, I don't have a 'special someone' right now, so I'll be my own special someone and get myself something pretty or silky or shiny... maybe all of the above. I've been eating Hershey's Cherry Chocolate kisses all afternoon. I am now filled with sweet gooey sugary chocolaty goodness. Yeah, that's how I stay so sweet.

Today I'm posting one of my favorites. We have several different sets of Word Blocks. This one is our Love Words. It's filled with fun and romantic phrases that are small enough to fit on a block, or under a photo or even on a scrapbook page.
Overall size is 13 x 13 inches, black vinyl.
Just cut them apart and stick 'em wherever you need a little love. Price is $12.00.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

So much for my diet...

I bought a nifty little item on Ebay last week and it arrived the other day- very promptly and well packed as ALL things I order should be. :) The item that I received is not what my focus is here (it's a docking station for a backup drive. If you're a geek you will be envious. If not a geek, wake up! you're starting to snore).
Inside the package with my geektoy, was a cute little Valentine. This Valentine is a coupon entitling me to a free Crispy Cream Donut. Not just a plain ol' donut like they hand to you free when the hot light is on, but one with sprinkles or custard filling and chocolate frosting dripping down the sides.
Now, this makes me happy because, first of all I love donuts.
Second, I love getting free stuff. Never mind that I live 40 miles from a Crispy Cream... I'll carry it around in my purse for a few weeks and then when I'm in the general area, I'm gonna get my free donut!
Third, and most important - this is the first Valentine I've received in many years. Does it matter that it came from some guy who doesn't know me and just wants me to buy more stuff from him? Oh heck no! It's a Valentine and I'm counting it as such.

And just so you know.... it's pretty normal around here for us to slide an extra little something in your package when we ship your order. It's because we love you... AND... we want you to order more stuff.

Now... since I was a lazy girl yesterday, I'm putting two quotes out here today for your viewing pleasure.
"Real Love Stories" How cute would this be under your wedding pictures? Darn cute, and you know it.
"To Love is to Receive a Glimpse of Heaven"
Two colors, two fonts, two different layouts. I'm kind of partial to the first one, but the second one works for a different shape or if you want just one color.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

and they called it puppy lu-u-u-uv...

So much for my good intentions.
I was going to post a new "True Love" layout every day for the rest of the month, since it's Valentine's and all. But... I got so wrapped up watching American Idol and then Lost... I didn't get it done. I'll make up for all my slacking off by posting two designs tomorrow.

I'm a little smitten with puppy love tonight. Real puppies. I have two dogs, so I do NOT need another dog, let alone a puppy, but my brother was showing me puppies online and... well... it's PUPPIES and they are so cute! I particularly love the border collies and the English Shepherds. I have a soft spot for the shepherds, cuz my beloved Cindy was a liver colored English Shepherd and she was the best dog that ever lived. (sniff) I'd post her picture, but I don't have one right here in a handy place, so I'll substitute with a shot of one of my current roomies, Sweety.
She looks pretty much like a sausage with legs, but she's got heart and she loves me and that's all that matters.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Always and All Ways

White letters + bright pink hearts = true love!

This little darlin' would be so cute on your wall not just for Valentine's Day but all year long. After all... you DO love that special someone all year long, don't you?
Shown above is "I love you always" white letters layered with bright pink hearts, 24 x 9 inches overall size. $20.00- as shown or in your choice of colors.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Warm wishes... or... wishing for warm

It's February!
Why is this such a happy thing? Because it means just a few more weeks of winter, that's why.
I love the snow for about, oh... two days. Then I'm ready for it to go away. It's beautiful to look at and replenishes the earth and all that stuff that I'm grateful for, but the longer I am living the more I crave a temperate climate. I hate being cold.
This year it's been really cold and really wintery for most of the northern regions, so I'm thinking I'm not alone in my joy of the coming of spring.

February is also the month of LOVE. It's time for quotes about hugs and kisses and true love.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You may call me...

"I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself!" Mae West

My sister-in-law sent me that quote in response to my announcement that my new business cards will pronounce me Queen of the Universe. I love it!

I'm not kidding about the Queen of the Universe. Just ordered the cards. It's printed small and tastefully under my name. It will make me smile every time I hand one to a customer. Bowing and groveling is not required.
However, one can buy my favors with chocolate.

Didn't know we design business cards here did ya? Banners too. Now you know.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

More about fonts

I keep seeing the term 'Word Art' popping up on blogs and forums. Word Art. Hmmm. Used to be called calligraphy. The art of beautiful writing.
I've always, always been enamored of the written word. Not just what it says, but how it looks. I started out in grade school practicing and practicing my cursive writing so that I would be the best cursive writer in the class. I was. I used to copy entire chapters from books just because I love the 'feel' of writing.
It was no surprise to me when I picked up a quill pen that the beautiful calligraphic letter forms would flow from my fingers almost effortlessly. Don't get me wrong, learning a new alphabet is hard work and takes much practice and discipline, but it was effortless because it is such a joy.

So now that computers have taken over my life and my creativity, I don't spend my time dipping a pen tip into a jar of ink. The 'undo' button is my constant companion and a blessing. (When you're putting ink to paper... man, it's there. There is no undo.)
The choice of fonts is almost endless. 20 or so years ago, there was presstype. You could get the big fat book with a few hundred fonts to choose from and the world was a great place to be. Now... there are thousands, possibly millions of fonts to choose from and the world is a FABULOUS place to be.
And there are new fonts being created every day.
Just for me.
Okay... for you too.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'll get you, my pretty!

I want to talk about fonts. I love them. I have many thousands of them. Some are free, some are not so free. Most of the time, the ones really worth having are the ones worth paying for.

Through a little net surfing I found a couple more this morning to add to my collection. They are very grungy and messy and not something I would try to use for cut vinyl, but for web use and printing... yep, they'll do just fine.

Some of the fonts I have in my collection are there strictly because I love the name. "Batman Beat the Hell Out of Me" "Monkey Brains" "Zombies in Space" "Your Ex-Girlfriend" pretty fun stuff.

I have the titling fonts to many of the major movies, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... and so on. It's fun when I get asked to do quotes for someone's in home theater and we can use a movie font for the quote. ("Let the Wookie Win" is always good advice and looks great in the Star Wars font.)
That reminds me... I better check the mail. I'll bet there's some movies in there for the weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do what you like, like what you do

It's so wonderful to have a little extra time right now to be creative. January is typically the slowest month for us, so it's the time to decide what to shoot for in the coming year. What we need to drop, what we need to add what's the best way to go about it. It's pretty darn exciting, I must say.

I've dusted off my tablet and pen and been working on some digital paintings and a couple of fonts too. It takes a lot of time and considerable patience. It's also very addictive. I sit down to work and before I know it, it's the wee hours, I've had waaaay too much caffeine and my rear has lost all feeling from sitting so long. I love every minute of it!

I've always read that you should find something that you love to do and find a way to make your living doing that. How fortunate I am to have been able to do that for a very long time.
Now if I can just work it so that I spend the winter on the veranda in Hawaii....

Monday, January 19, 2009

...and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't worry.... be happy!

Miracles Happen... you are what you think.

That's what the sticky note on my monitor says. I have to be reminded from time to time; which is why it is stuck to my monitor.
"Energy flows where attention goes". Something else I believe.
I don't always keep these thoughts in the front of my head, which is why I keep them in front of my eyes. It is to keep me focused on the positive, the abundance and all the joy that is in my life.
This is one of the aspects of my business that I love the best. Helping people surround themselves with positive words and attitudes. "Dream. Believe. Imagine. Laugh. Shine. If you can dream it, you can do it."
It's all true, you know.

This year is abounding with concerns about jobs and the economy and.... for whatever reason, the end of the world and Armageddon seem to be a topic that the media feel the need to keep pounding us with. Yeah... that makes me feel all cheery and upbeat!
With all of that coming at us from all directions, it is important to surround ourselves with reminders of all the good and wonderful things that are in our lives. Surround yourself with the people and the things that make you happy. Be grateful for the abundance that blesses your life.
And if you need a few well written words to stick on your wall to remind yourself that all is well.... honey, you know where to call.

So... if I am what I think... well then... I am joy.
I know that everything works out for my good. I know that I have the ability to make my life fabulous. And just by saying that... it is!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A place for everything and... well, you know.

There's something so refreshing about a clean desk. It's amazing! And since my desk is hardly EVER clean, I'm basking in a glow that I just don't feel that often. I thought everyone would like to share in my joy, so here's a photo for ya. Actually, I just want to show proof that this miracle has truly occured.

What's that you're saying? This desk doesn't look all that clean? Well, let me assure you that compared to what it looked like before, this is total organization. Notice the awesome order book in the corner? The little slots all containing items that are where they should be... the jar of change that hasn't found a place yet, but soon.

Even the monkeys are happier... and you know how important that is!