Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't worry.... be happy!

Miracles Happen... you are what you think.

That's what the sticky note on my monitor says. I have to be reminded from time to time; which is why it is stuck to my monitor.
"Energy flows where attention goes". Something else I believe.
I don't always keep these thoughts in the front of my head, which is why I keep them in front of my eyes. It is to keep me focused on the positive, the abundance and all the joy that is in my life.
This is one of the aspects of my business that I love the best. Helping people surround themselves with positive words and attitudes. "Dream. Believe. Imagine. Laugh. Shine. If you can dream it, you can do it."
It's all true, you know.

This year is abounding with concerns about jobs and the economy and.... for whatever reason, the end of the world and Armageddon seem to be a topic that the media feel the need to keep pounding us with. Yeah... that makes me feel all cheery and upbeat!
With all of that coming at us from all directions, it is important to surround ourselves with reminders of all the good and wonderful things that are in our lives. Surround yourself with the people and the things that make you happy. Be grateful for the abundance that blesses your life.
And if you need a few well written words to stick on your wall to remind yourself that all is well.... honey, you know where to call.

So... if I am what I think... well then... I am joy.
I know that everything works out for my good. I know that I have the ability to make my life fabulous. And just by saying that... it is!