Thursday, January 01, 2009

This little light of mine...

New Year's Day. WooHoo!!! A fresh new year all stretched out like a blank canvas ready for me to decorate. I know that every day, every minute is a fresh new canvas, but since we celebrate it and make a big deal of the changing of the year, it seems to have more significance... a little more oomph.
My birthday last month, being a milestone year, had me already in the mode to reassess my life. Take stock and decide what is important and what is not. I don't feel old, but I do feel the need to prioritize. "Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'." a quote from one of my favorite movies The Shawshank Redemption. That's what I feel.

Like I mentioned a post or two ago, I always have a theme for the year.
This year I'm gonna SHINE!

I work a lot. Really. A lot. So much, in fact, that the talents and many of the hobbies and things that I love to do have been pushed not just to the side, but completely off the table. I'm gonna pick 'em up off the floor and dust 'em off and put 'em to use again.
So instead of focusing on what I don't have, don't do, should have done... all those things that are past and I can't do anything about them anyway, I'm going to bring out the things I can do. Not going to wait until I'm the perfect weight, until I can afford it, until somebody invites me, until.... whatever it is I'm waiting for.
I'm gonna sing and paint and write and laugh and.... all the things I love.
I'm going to get healthy and take care of and enjoy what I've been given. I'm gonna do the best I can. And you know what? The best I can is pretty darn good.

Let it Shine... let it Shine, Shine, SHINE!!!