Monday, February 23, 2009

Another day, another $1.98

I'm sitting here trying to think of something profound and inspiring to share with everyone. I'm drawing a total blank.
So I'll just share a little of what's new in my life.
Still have a cold, but that's not new, so forget I said anything about that.

The new website is still progressing nicely and I'm very pleased with the way everything looks. There'll be tons more stuff on there: lots of graphics and layouts and some full color designs too. It's all very exciting but you don't get to see it for a while yet.

I went to the grocery store tonight and bought a new bag of dog food. Yep, that's pretty exciting, at least the mutts think so.

I stopped in at the local gym this afternoon to drop off a business card and...
I got caught up in all the healthy happy glow and...
the guy working over there with the weights looked really good and...
I'm so weak that I signed up for a membership.
I have a free! hour with the personal trainer on Wednesday. If I live through that and the 3 or 4 days of stiffness that will be the result, I will most likely enjoy working out. I know I will enjoy the scenery (if you know what I mean... and I'm sure you do.)

They have lots of empty wall space in the weight room that is just SCREAMING for some motivational words.
Words like...
"That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger."
Yeah, we'll see about that.