Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lazy Weekend

It's been a totally uneventful weekend. I like that.
Spent the day yesterday doing some research online, working on some photoshop projects, watching too much tv, watching it snow AGAIN... the usual.

I typically start my Sunday bundled up on the couch with the kitty and Sweety and some really good java and a movie.

This morning it was "Sex and the City". I'm not sure whether to be embarrassed or not about watching and liking the movie. I never watched more than an episode or two of the series, but I know who the characters are.
The clothes were beautiful! The women... scrawny. Yes, I'm jealous because I was born larger than these women are, but as they get older, well, they start to look kind of leathery and hard because there's no layer of fat to pad the wrinkles.
Is it possible to sound bitter and smug at the same time? My wrinkles are very well padded. I should look like a 13 year old.

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty. Coco Chanel

Diana - in case you care, I have another blog. Click on my little cartoon face and you'll find the link.


Trouble said...

of course I CARE! I also love SATC movie even though I have never watched the series. I could just watch that scene while Carrie tries on dress for her friends for the whole 2 hours and call that a movie!