Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chocolate flavored... everything

You can't think about Valentine's Day without thinking about chocolate.
I don't think about chocolate ALL the time - you know I'm lying, but just play along -Valentine's day just gives me a little extra validation for the times that I do.

Obviously chocolate luv spans all generations. To the right you see a photo of one of the youngest of our clan, my brother's boy, doin' what all kids gotta do... lickin' the bowl.
I'm surprised his dad got him to stand still long enough for a semi-non-blurry picture.
Mmmmmm... chocolate.....

What do you do when chocolat becomes too much of an obsession?
Well... I'm here to help with our tried and true 12 Step Program. Follow it carefully and you'll be just fine.

In case you need to be reminded at all times, we provide a version of this program designed to fit on a 12 x 12 tile... something to post proudly in your home as a reminder of your commitment.
To further enhance your treatment... I suggest that you watch the movie 'Chocolat'. Yes, that one. The one with Johnny Depp.
Every part of that movie is a feast for your eyes.

Hmmm... now I'm gonna have to go home and put on my red shoes and sip some cocoa and indulge my senses a little bit.
Wonder where I can find some of those cherry flavored M&Ms?