Monday, May 18, 2009

Notes on a sticky

My name is Becky and I'm a sticky-note addict.
As part of my treatment, every month or so I must sort through the pile of stickies on my desk and around my monitor and store what is of value or toss what is no longer useful.

The biggest share of my sticky clutter consists of little cryptic notes written while on the phone, dates, call back numbers, brief notes of add-ons to someone's order, lists of things I MUST remember to do.... a random mish mash of things that are no longer pertinent to anything. Toss.

I have a notebook/folder for storing stickies that I want to keep. These usually have a family member's address or phone number, or they have websites that I want to remember to look up, or sources for all the bazillion products that I think about ordering, or useful information like the size to make a layout in photoshop... you know, just stuff I need to remember at some point.

I'm seeing here today, however, that many of my stickies have quotes written on them. Thoughts that I like that I want to remember to add to the website, but haven't taken the time yet.
So I'll share them with you right here, right now!

In no particular order or subject:

Life is filled with wonder and joy when seen through the eyes of a little boy.

If you know what you want and why, the "how" will show up. -Bill Bartman

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet. -Constanze

Impossible you say? Nothing is impossible when you work for the circus.

Nothing will change until you change.

Energy flows where attention goes.

When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween.

Waking beside you is more lovely than any dream.

A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

Time passes, Life happens, Distance separates, Children grow up, Hearts break, Parents die... but sisters are always there.

Kindness pays huge dividends!

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank You", that would suffice. -Meister Eckhart

You were too good for him anyway.

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