Friday, May 08, 2009

Happy busy Friday

What a busy day! The sun comes out and so do all the people. I like it when it's crazy busy.

I'm just wrapping up a few projects to ship out this afternoon and then I'm off to do a little shopping this evening for Mother's Day and a birthday party on Sunday.

I was hoping to have my Mom's Day gift finished up today, but looks like I may have to come in tomorrow to get it all done.

What do you get the Mom who has 11 kids and all the do-dads she could possibly ever need?
You get her a yard sign that proclaims that "The world's greatest Grandma lives here."
I'll post up a pic as soon as I have something ready to show.

This little gem was for Shannon's order this afternoon.

... and I love this one too.
This will be my friend and I, but we'll have cats too.

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