Monday, February 16, 2009

Font - O - Mania

I've been having just about a ton-o-fun this afternoon.
As you know, I'm a fontaholic. I love fonts. I spend hours looking for fonts. I can't say I never met a font I didn't like - cuz there's some ugly fonts out there - but I have certainly found thousands that I DO like.
I've puttered a bit with creating my own fonts. It's very labor intensive and takes a long time to create something that is actually usable. Hours of tweeking and testing and nudging (and that's just getting situated in the chair and ready to work.)

Today I came across a spiffy little website that entertained me for an hour or so. Click HERE and you can go and make your own font from your own handwriting.
It takes a scanner and about 20 minutes - depending on how anal you are about the letter shapes - and then you too can feel like a typographical genius.

I was not too concerned about correct sizing because I wanted it to have a nice natural feel. Besides, if I want it to be perfect I'll break out the font making program... and spend all those hours and days and...

And now I give you... Becky Font.