Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow Day

Weird day.
It started to snow in the wee hours of the morning so there was a good four inches of new snow on top of the old snow that won't seem to go away.
I got out of bed and proceeded to get ready for work only to realize that the pilot had blown out on the furnace. Argggh!
It is a fete of agility and extreme patience to relight this glorious invention of modern heating. (Yeah... that's not quite what I was calling it after the first fifteen minutes)Being my father's daughter, I have the appropriate tools for every job. In this case, I used a butter knife to prop the little latch door open, a bottle of weedkiller propped (upside down) on the pilot light button to hold it down, and the super duper extra long butane lighter with the safety button wedged down with a toothpick and a strip of duck tape holding the trigger down.
McGyver would be so proud.

So after much cussing and manipulation and about half an hour, I got the furnace going again.
Just in time to hear the snow plow go past on the road. Yep, it's our fine county employees making sure that my neighbors and myself can drive down the rural avenues in safety. Except now I can't get out of my driveway because the snow plow leaves a 3 foot pile of very wet, very heavy snow across the bottom of my driveway.
Cool! I'm snowed in! Woo hoo!!! Snow day! I'll work from home and do some designing and a lot of the stuff that I would be doing at work if I could get there.

About 15 minutes into my happy work from home day... the power went out. And stayed out. Rats!!!
Now there's no computer to work on. No TV to entertain me while I work. No music... basically no fun. I even washed the dishes out of desperation, hoping to kill a little time and make the power come back on. Nope.

New plan... I decided to go to work because that would be better than sitting at home doing nothing.
So I conned my roomy into a bit of shoveling and off we went to work.

After a fun and tasty lunch with the girls, I returned to the shop just in time for a power blip which killed our internet connection and the telephones for the rest of the afternoon.

If you tried to call today... that's why you got a busy signal.

After the third blip, I realized that not a whole lot of anything was being accomplished, therefore, I said a little prayer that the power would be back on at home and took myself there. There are things that are more frustrating than having the computer shut down just before you saved a file, but I can't think of one right now... well, there is that pilot light thing...

But now...
Blessed electricity flows to all of my appliances. My furnace is blasting away keeping me warm. There's a Woot off going on. All is well, I haven't done anything all day and I'm wore to a frazzle.


Trouble said...

let me get this straight, you have a "roomy" who can be coerced into shoveling snow but you are crawling around on your hands and knees lighting the pilor YOURSELF? Please explain.

Rebecka said...

I have no LOGICAL explanation. Perhaps I enjoy being a martyr(?) but I'm only willing to carry it so far. I'll do a thankless frustrating job so long as it doesn't involve heavy physical labor or the chance of being cold.